Richard H. Thaler & Cass R. Sunstein: Nudge
Authors come from the tradition of behavioral economics, but they call themselves as choice architects. What are choice architects? They are people who can design approaches that help people to make choices or decisions easily and with low cost.
Malcom Gladwell: Blink
Gladwell promised in the beginning of the book that he will tell us that how to use blink. He also promised to tell when to trust and when not to trust blink. And how to educate your blinking. Besides that he used vivid examples of real life cases to highlight blink. Examples such as Warren Harding, New Coke, Pearl Harbor and many more.
Peter Thiel: Zero to One
Thiel starts with a mysterious question by asking from a startup entrepreneur “what important truth do very few people agree with you on?”. For the investor the question is “what valuable company is nobody building?”. And behind these questions lies his key lesson. Startup solves secrets which are not shared.
Lauri Järvilehto: Tee itsestäsi mestariajattelija
Aina kun näet mielenkiintoisen kirjan, niin mietit että “onko tämä sen arvoinen?”. Lauri Järvilehdon kirja on sen arvoinen.
About the book This is not a typical book about leadership. If it ever was ment to be a book about leadership. But great many other books cover Shackelton’s expedition to the South Pole. And in those books this book is introduced in the light of leadership. So I had to read the original one. […]
Start With Why
Simon Sinek has a non-typical way of writing. His approach is more like a pamphlet. Mr. Sinek knows the answer and can put his finger on it. Easy to read, light in academic perspective and spot on.
The Medici Effect
About the book This time I read the book in paper format. Compared to previous books this one more of a snack than a heavy intellectual trip. Maybe the reason was that there were less than 200 pages to be red. Not that the previous comments would make the content less inspiring. How was the […]
The Marshmallow Test
Walter Mischel: The Marshmallow Test About the book Again this time I read the book in Kindle format. It reminded me a lot of the days I was studying psychology. Expect this book is written in with individual touch by the way that the writer shares his own personal experiences. In that sense it’s more […]
Hacker, Maker, Teacher, Thief
About the book This time I read the book as an ordinary paper book. The book is a collection of articles or stories about aspects in creating vibrant marketing communications for the advertisers. It’s not a book from David Ogilvy, but it’s a great and inspirational book about current issues within creative industry. How was […]