Kim & Mauborgne: Blue Ocean Shift
If you are interested on creating new markets for you company - you should evaluate this methodology. While thinking about the possibility you could start the thinking from "customer first" to "noncustomer first". Secondly we should never forget - today's negatives can be turned into tomorrows positives. And when building the buyers experience in blue ocean - we should really experience the buyers experience.
Collins: Good To Great
The Good to Great book by Jim Collins is a story about eleven companies and their comparison companies. But eventually it's more about people than systems, more about how to facilitate growth than maximizing profit and more about companies that existed in the pre-Internet era.
Bettger: How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling
The Sales Call Poem: You can't collect your commission until you make the sale You can't make the sale 'til you write the order You can't write the order 'til you have an interview (sales meeting) And you can't have an interview 'til you make the call!
Gordon Livingston: Toon Soon Old, Too Late Smart
Why do I think this book is worth the time? Because the thinking of the book which is filled with mundane ideas how to survive. No, nothing truly genial scientific analysis nor theories. Only ordinary ideas about survival, hope and happiness. Things that we all can access and most of us even can deploy whenever we want. Forget measuring the ideas - just rely on your feelings.
Viktor E. Frankl: Man’s Search For Meaning
Logotherapy is all about how man should have a meaningful life. It's not about analyzing you will or inner drives. It is about future and how the meaning should fulfill the patience. A patient in logotherapy will be "confronted wit and reoriented toward the meaning of his life." In logotherapy the primary motivational force is finding a meaning and the patient is assisted "to find meaning in his life".
Edward de Bono: Six Thinking Hats
Six Hat Thinking is like gamification of thinking. People are invited to participate in game of thinking. Switching from one mode of thinking into another. This game will be quick.
Dale Carnegie: Miten pääsen turhista huolista
Carnegie määrittelee kirjansa ”kokoelma tehokkaita ja ajan koettelemia reseptejä, joiden avulla voimme vapauttaa elämämme turhista huolista”. Ja näin se käytännössä on.
David Ogilvy: Ogilvy on Advertising
Ogilvy’s five questions about ideas. Did it make you gasp? Are you jealous about the idea? Is it unique? Fit with strategy? Will it last for 30 years?
Yuval Noah Harari: Homo Deus – A Brief History of Tomorrow
Harari’s Homo Deus is a must read book. He has collected tons of excellent questions. By creating a personal understanding about AI will have value when making decisions. Eventually AI will be affecting our lives. Why not start hacking your future now?
Eliyahu M. Goldratt: The Goal
The key learning would be common sense, because typically problems are solved with common sense. Not with great theories nor with IT-systems that have too many dimensions. Consultants can bring insight into the problems by asking the right questions. The Goal endorses that the business owners should find answers with their common sense.