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Taleb: Skin in the Game

Taleb: Skin in the Game

About the book

Aim of the book is to be practical discussions, philosophical tales and scientific and analytical commentary on the problems of randomness under uncertainty.

How was the book?

This book is for all the people who live in Ostrobothnia in Finland. All the people who thinks that ”moon oikias, soot vääräs” should read this. The Skin in the Game is a perfect book for them. Nassim Nicholas Taleb writes as everybody else would have wrong opinions. He intended the book to be an oversensitive bu***t detector. He says that the book came after a deep unplanned flirtation with mathematics. Unfortunately the first 40 pages were explanation what the book is about and how Taleb gave birth to it. For me it was a bit too much. Nevertheless I enjoyed reading the book.

What are the key learnings?

If I would have to draw a word cloud of the book it would certainly use three words – freedom, trade-offs and rationality. Putting your skin in the game you are making trade-offs with your freedom and sometimes rationality plays no role. 

Topics of the book are:

  • uncertainty and the reliability of knowledge, 
  • symmetry in human affairs, 
  • information sharing in transactions and 
  • rationality in complex systems and in the real world.

For Taleb skin in the game is about justice, honor and sacrifice. Things that that are existential for humans. Core of the book is rationality and risk bearing. Rationality resides in what you do and it is about survival. Rationality is also risk management.

 Important in the book are thinking flaws and what kind of people there are. The thinking flaws that Taleb brings up are:

  • Incapable of thinking in second steps and unawareness of the need for that
  • Incapable of distinguishing between multidimensional problems and their single-dimensional representations and
  • They can’t forecast the evolution of those one helps by attacking.

There are types of Skin In The Game people:

  • No skin in the game people are those who keeps the upside, transfers downside to others, owns a hidden option at someone’s else’s expense. For example consultants or corporate executives.
  • Skin in the game people are those who keeps his own downside, takes his or her risk. For example entrepreneurs or citizens.
  • Skin in the game of others or soul in the game are those who takes the downside on behalf of others, or for universal values. For example saints, artists, innovators, journalists who expose frauds.

Taleb’s characterization of people is so interesting that the following quote summaries his thinking. ”Beware of the person who gives advice, telling you that a certain action on your part is ”good for you” while it is also good for him, while the harm to you doesn’t directly affect him.” So there is asymmetry of advice is when it is applied to you but not him. As Romans were fully aware, one lauds merrily that merchandise to get rid of it (Horace). Advice and sales should be kept separately. But if the asymmetry or symmetry exists in sales, so how much should the salesperson tell to the buyer? Laws come and go; ethics stay.

 In the same context Taleb sees that peoples thinking and actions should go hand in hand. Those who do should talk and only those who do should talk. Things designed by people without skin in the game tend to grow in complication (before their final collapse). Like Nokia’s strategy department did. Non-skin-in-the-game people don’t get simplicity. Without skin in the game everybody is dumb. If you do not take risks for your opinion, you are nothing.

 Putin against heads of NATO countries is one example of asymmetry. Putin does not have to be re-elected and he does not have to act with the same rules. On the other hand NATO heads have to be thinking what his or hers statements means for his re-election.

 When we think about symmetries or asymmetries we must bear in mind four things:

·       Unconditional symmetry is base of democracy.

·       Symmetries between people and transaction – an eye for one eye.

·       Rhodian law – all must be made up by the contribution to all.

·       Silver rule symmetry: you can practice your freedom of religion so long as you allow me to practice mine.

Minorities are one important form of asymmetries. According to Taleb the dominance of minority has led to manifesto of dictatorship of the minority. For example halal meat or kosher drinks are more widely used than the minority. Lingua franca i.e. English is used as corporate language, because the entry-level of starting to use English is smaller than training everybody to use a new language. This is a case example of asymmetry is our time. Renormalization rule is one form that exist in the minorities’ eco-system. Renormalization means that everybody is using a minority product – lactose free dairy products, halal meat or kosher. To win the game you have to win only small proportion of users and you will get the vast majority as well. Sound, but controversial thinking and maybe a solid marketing strategy.

How minorities rule and make change happen? Societies evolve when few courageous people want to move the needle. ”All one needs is an asymmetric rule somewhere and someone with soul in the game.” Or as Alexander the Great has legendry said – ”I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.” Meaning that there is a value for active, intolerant and courageous minority. That is short, but elegant summary How Taleb sees people. 

Taleb spends few pages around a concept what he calls ”Intellectual Yet Idiot”. Taleb is suggesting that for example Richard Thaler is a intellectual yet idiot, because of his nudge theory. Btw what is IYI? According to Taleb it is ”one IVY league degree one vote” against one man one vote. Anyways Talebs critic might be in place, but having read The Nudge book I would argue that Taleb and Thaler have different motives. Thaler want’s to help us making positive action. Taleb want’s to grow the readers to become non-traditional thinkers and finding new perspectives. Strategy vs. execution?

Thomas Piketty and his books gets also his share of the IYI analysis. Piketty’s analysis is also seen flawed, because inequality works the other way around according to Taleb. He sees that year to year changes does not happen in the knowledge economy and the people belonging to the ne percent do not change. So the winner takes it all and Piketty does not understand that. According to Taleb. And maybe he is right. The one percent has different tools to protect their wealth than the blue collar workers have in order to accumulate his wealth. 

Taleb is also playing the violin of change in our globalized society. He points out that currently we are witnessing Uberization, birth of city-states and Black Swans. Uberized is a process of being disintermediated. City-states are growing and it will give birth of new governance. What has survived has revealed its robustness to Black Swan events and removing skin in the game disrupts such selection mechanism.

How should we change according to the book?

Why Romans had a slave as a treasurer? Because the laws for a freeman were different compared to a slave. The slave had more skin in the game. Taleb didn’t write this as self-help book, but I think that we can learn from these great ideas that he has. Concept of freedom, risk taking, envy and income mobility might be one of the ideas that might help us change.

Today the best slaves are those who you overpay and the modern slave knows that. For example expat strategy. Even extreme freedom is not freedom, because there lies also a risk. Employees are reliable by design, but you should not trust their ability to make hard decisions, because they are afraid of the risks. For example the tale by Aesop where the ass don’t want the collar of the dog although it gets all the meals. Eventually the free ass was eaten up by a lion. That is real skin in the game. Freedom is never free and life is full of trade-offs.

Salesperson and traders are manageable only when they are not profitable, in which case they were not wanted. When people turn into profit-centers, then no other criterion matters. And then people might turn into wolves again. Or risk takers which can lead that they are also socially unpredictable people. One way to show your freedom is to curse – for example in Twitter. That way you show that they are also competent which is a low-risk strategy to show off. ”Risk takers take risks because it is in their nature to be wild animals.” 

Few notions about work and businesses. Why firms exist? Because it’s too costly to negotiate every transaction and that’s why companies hire employees (like for example The Oktoberfest dilemma). ”What matters isn’t what a person has or doesn’t have; it is what he or she is afraid of losing.” The more you have to lose, the more fragile you are. So lovers of paycheck (employees) have significant skin in the game – their dependability and they have a reputation to protect. How to become financially secure? It’s not about means – it’s about lack of wants. ”F*** your money.”

Envy does not travel long distance or cross many social classes. Envy is apparently being upset that ”less smart” persons are much richer. Typically people envy people how are in the same level. Not the super-rich class. Envy you are more likely to encounter in you kin (Aristotle). So that’s why cobbler envys cobbler.

About income mobility Taleb has made interesting observation. Americans are far better well of than Europeans. American equality is that 10% of Americans will spend at least a year in the top 1 percent, and more than half of all American will spend a year in the top 10 %. But for example 60 % n the French list are heirs and third of the richest Europeans were the richest centuries ago. Make the rich rotate by forcing the rich to be subjected to the risk of exiting from the one percent? Are there mechanisms that is protecting the 1 %? Anyways this tells a bit different story about European and American income mobility.

Taleb’s book is flooding with quotations. Here is a small collection of those:

·       How to find hidden vulnerabilities – ask me why I don’t have a statue rather than why do you have one?

·       You can’t chew with somebody else’s teeth.

·       A bird in the hand is better than ten on the tree.

·       Madness is rare on individuals, but in groups, parties, nations, it is the rule. (Friedrich Nietzsche).

·       Action without talk supersedes talk without action.

What should I personally do?

Ultimate is when you have your skin and soul in the game.


The book in six words – ”Success is leading a honorable life”