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Edward de Bono: Six Thinking Hats

Edward de Bono: Six Thinking Hats

About the book

This book is really quick to read. It has less than 180 pages, fairly light text and lots of examples. You can read it in no time.

How was the book?

Six hat thinking is a concept where the thinker is allowed to do only one thing at a time – and that is called simplify. In this thinking technique for example the feelings is separated from logic. And information from creativity. It also gives people possibility to dive into modes that are not typical for them. Hats are directions of thinking. Participants are supposed to look or think in all possible directions. And it is essential that people will move freely between different hats or modes – from emotional to creative. Showing off is also essential. By showing that you are competent thinker. Not better than other, but better and more competent thinker by wearing all hats.

The hats are:

·       Blue Hat is about the process of thinking. Wear it to start the session and to end the session. This hat is used in that sense only by the facilitator. He indicates the target of the thinking, rules of the game, facilitates the thinking and the end-results of the thinking sessions. Blue hat gives the purpose for the session.

·       Red Hat is emotional view. It is anger, rage and emotions. No need to explain or justify the feelings. Let your emotions come out.

·       White Hat is about information, facts and figures – believed or checked (pls remember to separate those). It is neutral and objective. Share the knowledge of the topic.

·       Yellow Hat is positive opportunity thinking – looking for benefits, dreams, visions. It is all about the great and nice things. Be positive and show it with your words.

·       Black Hat is the negative and critical thinking. It is all about what could be wrong. Important hat, because it will help us survive. Give all possible reasons why this won’t work, but the criticism must be logical – make sense. Remember not to start arguing. Just point out the possible risks. Remember to document all possible problems and obstacles. You will need this as a risk assessment.

·       Green Hat is creative. Here you can invent new possibilities. Be creative, novel and escape from the old. Try to figure out how to overcome problems and obstacles. The aim is to find new ideas, approaches and alternatives. Remember – search for alternatives, the first answer is never the best.

·       Blue Hat again to wrap-up the session and show results of the thinking session. Also to start the implementation of the ideas.

Talk about the hats, refer to different colors – not about their functions. Hats can be used as single hats or in a sequence. The sequence can be evolving or pre-set. The pre-set is preferred mode if the group is novel with the technique. The blue hat facilitator will define in the beginning of the meeting the pre-set sequence. Discipline is important. Everybody must stick with his or her hats. Only the facilitator lets people to change hats. 

Blue hat is used in the beginning to define the target of the meeting. Giving reasoning to the session. And at the end to wrap-up and to make conclusions. The red hat could be used after the blue hat, because that way the feelings are dealt in the beginning of the session. Also one can re-check if the feelings have changed during the session before the last blue hat. Especially if there is knowledge that there are pre-existing feelings. Sometimes it is useful to put yellow hat before the black hat. If the yellow hat session does not bring any value to the idea, there is no idea on moving towards the black hat session. Sometimes it is useful to give people some time to think before hats are changed.

What are the key learnings?

By using this technique, you simply focus on one thing at a time. This technique can be used to whatever intellectual problem that one has. From developing new products to daily operations.

Six Hat Thinking is like gamification of thinking. People are invited to participate in game of thinking. Switching from one mode of thinking into another. This game will be quick. One thinker is typically allowed to take one minute per hat. The thinkers are advised not to respond to others ideas or remarks. You simply state your idea and the next participant will state his idea. No arguments, no nothing.

This technique allows people to be very independent thinkers. They are not tied to their roles nor anybody is expected to argue their ideas. The only expectation is that everybody shares his ideas.

How should we change according to the book?

The first answer is never the best. Seek and test other ideas. We should simplify and switch thinking. Escape from the old.

What should I personally do?

Invest time to make a test-run.


The book in six words – Confusion is the biggest enemy of good thinking.